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Poppy's tried a lot of things. Yoga instruction. Pizza making. So far, none of them have seemed like her thing. Still, she doesn't have to know where her life is headed to live it with enthusiasm. Ever since his wife's death, Ryan's thrown himself into his work. Launching a successful new app will secure his children's future ... even if it means he can't spend much time with them now. As a short-term nanny for Ryan's children, Poppy brings some much-needed fun and laughter. She's never been one to commit, so why is she feeling so attached to these children ... and even more, to their dad? Could it be she's found her place at last? This funny, feel-good romance contains a free Hallmark original recipe for Pumpkin Soup with Parmesan Croutons.

About the Author

Kristen Ethridge

The writing bug bit Kristen Ethridge around the time she first held a pencil. A 2012 Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award Finalist, Kristen was offered her first contract to Harlequin's Love Inspired line through their So You Think You Can Write contest that same year.

Kristen writes contemporary inspirational romance filled with love, laughter, and happily ever after and firmly believes that the best happily ever after is the story of God's love. Although she has fun creating characters, Kristen's favorite people are her family. She lives in Texas with her husband, children and a self-important poodle.

Visit her online at www.kristenethridge.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kristenethridgebooks.

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