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Your Soul Remembers is proof positive that answers to questions about your past lives are at the tip of your finger. Author and past-life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, conducted a groundbreaking research project, combining past-life regression and a form of inspirational writing she calls Soul Writing. With the help of fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 23 to 81, Joanne regressed each to the past life that was having the most impact on them now. After the regression—but while they were still in an altered state of consciousness—she placed a pen in their hand and a journal on their lap and instructed them to ask their soul for information about that lifetime that eluded them in the regression. While they wrote, she also wrote, asking her Source for information she could share.

About the Author

Joanne DiMaggio

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Joanne DiMaggio had a long career in marketing and public relations before pursuing a very successful freelance writing career. She has had hundreds of feature articles published in national and local newspapers, magazines, and websites. In 1987 she became actively involved with Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). She moved to Charlottesville, Virginia in 1995 and became Coordinator for the A.R.E. Charlottesville area in 2008. She earned her Masters in Transpersonal Studies degree through Atlantic University (AU). Her thesis was on inspirational writing and served as the basis of her book, "Soul Writing: Conversing With Your Higher Self." She was named the first president of The Atlantic University Alumni Association and in 2010 was named AU's "Outstanding Graduate." She leads workshops on the subject of soul writing to audiences across the country; has taught the process in a month-long online course through AU; and has been a guest on numerous radio programs. Using soul writing, she produced a small line of greeting cards called Spirit Song. The International Greeting Card Association cited one of those cards for its creative excellence, choosing it as one of six worldwide finalists in the "Sympathy" category for its Annual LOUIE Awards. Her first book, "Charlottesville: A Contemporary Portrait" was published in 2002 and she currently is collaborating on "Remembering Edgar Cayce: The Memoirs of T.J. Davis."

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