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A feast for the senses, this sumptuously illustrated book will introduce you to some of the most infamous women throughout world history, united by their shared taste for poison. Welcome to the League of Lady Poisoners.. This riveting and well-researched volume by Lisa Perrin weaves together the stories of more than twenty-five accused women poisoners, exploring the circumstances and skill sets that led them to lives of crime.. You might find yourself rooting for some of them - like Sally Bassett, who helped poison her granddaughter's enslavers in Bermuda, or Giulia Tofana, who sold her name-brand concoction to women wanting to be rid of their abusive (or otherwise undesirable) husbands. Other stories, though - including that of Yiya Murano, one of Argentina's most notorious swindlers and serial killers, or the terrifying Nurse Jane Toppan - may prove less palatable.

About the Author

Lisa Perrin

Lisa Perrin is an illustrator, hand lettering artist, professor, and author. Originally from Long Island, NY, Perrin now lives in Baltimore, MD where she is a full time professor of illustration at MICA. Her work often explores the old world in a new way, combining humor with darkness, and beauty with strangeness. While she has illustrated more than 30 book covers, The League of Lady Poisoners is the first book she has both written and illustrated.

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