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St Mary's is back and nothing is going right for Max. Once again, it's just one damned thing after another.The action jumps from an encounter with a mirror-stealing Isaac Newton to the bloody battlefield at Agincourt. Discover how a simple fact-finding assignment to witness the ancient and murderous cheese- rolling ceremony in Gloucester can result in CBC - concussion by cheese. The long awaited jump to Bronze Age Troy ends in personal catastrophe for Max and just when it seems things couldn't get any worse - it's back to the Cretaceous Period again to confront an old enemy who has nothing to lose.So, make the tea, grab the chocolate biscuits, settle back and discover exactly why the entire history department has painted itself blue ...

About the Author

Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor is the author of the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series, the story of a bunch of disaster-prone historians who investigate major historical events in contemporary time. Do NOT call it time travel!Born in Bristol and educated in Gloucester (facts both cities vigorously deny) , she spent many years with her head somewhere else, much to the dismay of family, teachers and employers, before finally deciding to put all that daydreaming to good use and pick up a pen. She still has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up.You can keep up with all the latest developments at St Mary's on her Facebook page.www.facebook.com/AuthorJodiTaylor

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