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 As society grows ever more dependent on the electronic flow of information, we become increasingly vulnerable to cyber warfare, cyber crime, and cyber terrorism. Written by a former hacker who is now a highly respected computer security expert, Cyber Attack is a timely study of the hostile online landscape and the threats we face. It explains the extent and implications of the danger, and how we can protect ourselves, along with issues of online privacy, snooping, and surveillance.

About the Author

Paul Day

5 Reasons to buy books by Paul G Day1. An outstanding review track record from readers who genuinely love books by Paul G Day. Check out the review average in the main picture to the left.2. Quality books written with great care and attention to detail.3. Classic story telling. No Zombies, werewolves, vampires or demons. Just good old fashioned honest story telling suitable for all ages.4. Original stories that inspire, engage and entertain, with multiple layers of meaning.5. Well written narrative by an experienced and educated craftsmen who knows his genres and knows how to craft a beautiful, original story and simply tell it.Visit www.authorpgday.wordpress.com for more information

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