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The first book in a decadent fantasy duology set in Jazz Age Harlem, where at night the dance halls come to life -- and death waits in the dark.It's 1926 and reapers, the once-human vampires with a terrifying affliction, are on the rise in New York. But the Saint family's thriving reaper-hunting enterprise holds reign over the city, giving them more power than even the organized criminals who run the nightclubs. Eighteen year-old Elise Saint, home after five years in Paris, is the reluctant heir to the empire. Only one thing weighs heavier on Elise's mind than her family obligations: the knowledge that the Harlem reapers want her dead.Layla Quinn is a young reaper haunted by her past. Though reapers have existed in America for three centuries, created by New World atrocities and cruel experiments, Layla became one just five years ago.

About the Author

Hayley Dennings

Hayley Dennings is a recent graduate from Loyola Marymount University, where she double majored in English and French with a concentration in diversity and inclusion. Hayley loves stories centered on queer female characters and dedicates her writing to actively resisting misogynoir. She currently resides in the Bay Area, working as an editorial and marketing associate for Fable. When Hayley is not working, she is spending time with her dogs, reading, painting, and baking.

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