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Going to the dentist is stressful for many kids. What if you have a cavity? Will it hurt? Will it cost a lot of money? While its perfectly normal to feel anxious about going, theres nothing to worry about. Dentists and dental hygienists work hard to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Readers will learn why its so important to go to the dentist regularly and keep up with their dental hygiene at home. Full-color photographs and an age-appropriate narrative help readers grasp this essential part of staying healthy.

About the Author

Lisa Idzikowski

After spying her first Indigo Bunting, Lisa Idzikowski's curiosity took off --trapping Saw-whet Owls and banding birds, raising Easter Swallowtail butterflies, searching the night sky for meteors, climbing Mayan ruins in Mexico, and researching at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello home. When she's not walking with her dogs along the shore of Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, WI, she's writing and reading at her local library, or working in her butterfly garden.

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