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Bipolar disorder causes intense mood swings. Sometimes people with bipolar disorder feel energetic and excited. At other times, they feel tired and depressed. Understanding Bipolar Disorder explores what this disorder is like, how it can affect people's lives, and how it can be treated.

About the Author

Kathy MacMillan

Kathy MacMillan is a writer, American Sign Language interpreter, librarian, and signing storyteller. She writes picture books (the Little Hands Signing series and The Runaway Shirt, Familius Press) , children's nonfiction (She Spoke: 14 Women Who Raised Their Voices and Changed the World, Familius Press) , and young adult fantasy. Her debut young adult novel, Sword and Verse (2016) was a finalist for the Compton Crook Award, and its companion novel, Dagger and Coin (2018) has been called a "complex feminist fantasy" by author Heidi Heilig. She has also published 8 resource books for educators, librarians, and parents, including Little Hands and Big Hands: Children and Adults Signing Together (Huron Street Press) . Kathy serves as the Mentorship Program Coordinator for the Maryland/Delaware/West Virginia Region of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. She lives near Baltimore, MD. Find her online at www.kathymacmillan.com or on Twitter at @kathys_quill.

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