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The hilarious and controversial host of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher has written his funniest, most opinionated, and most necessary book ever - a brilliantly astute and acerbically funny vivisection of American life, politics, and culture.. Some of the smartest commentary about what's happening in America is coming from a comedian - this comedian being Bill Maher. If you want to understand what's wrong with this country, it turns out that one of the best informed and most thought-provoking analysts is this very funny pothead. The book was inspired by the "editorial" Bill delivers at the end of each episode of Real Time. These editorials are direct-to-camera sermons about culture, politics, and what's happening in the world. To put this book together, Maher reviewed more than a decade of his editorials, rewriting, reimagining, and updating them, and adding new material to speak exactly to the moment we're in.

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