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Little ways to stay mindful, be present, and raise good humans - every day! As a parent, it's the little things you do each and every day that can help your kids grow up to be kind, confident, and conscientious human beings. But if you're like many parents, you're probably feeling overwhelmed by the daily rush of getting to school on time, helping your kid finish their homework, planning meals, and all the seemingly endless tasks that pile up and steal the fun out of just being with your child. That's why you need quick, effective tools to stay present and manage emotions - both your child's and your own! From the author of Raising Good Humans, this "go-to" daily guide offers 50 simple ways to press pause, stop reacting, and start parenting with intention.

About the Author

Hunter Clarke-Fields MSAE

Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindfulness mentor, host of the Mindful Mama podcast, creator of the Mindful Parenting course, and author of the book, Raising Good Humans. She helps moms bring more calm into their daily lives and cooperation in their families. Hunter has over twenty years of experience in meditation and yoga practices and has taught mindfulness to thousands worldwide. She is the mother of two active daughters, who challenge her everyday to hone her craft! Learn more about Hunter at MindfulMamaMentor.com.

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