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Cheated out of their family estate in Northern Ireland after the Napoleonic Wars, the Givens family arrives in America in 1819. But in coming to this new land, they have lost nearly everything. Making their way west they settle in Cincinnati, a burgeoning town on the banks of the mighty Ohio River whose rise, like the Givenses own, will be fashioned by the colliding forces of Jacksonian populism, religious evangelism, industrial capitalism, and the struggle for emancipation.

About the Author

Terry Gamble

Terry Gamble was born in Pasadena, California - the younger of two daughters of resolutely Victorian parents. A strange, pale child, she spent much of her early years under the piano or on a closet shelf reading books. Her first two novels, THE WATER DANCERS and GOOD FAMILY, are based in Northern Michigan where she spent her childhood summers. THE EULOGIST is set in Cincinnati, Ohio, where the author's ancestors landed when they emigrated from Northern Ireland in 1819. A Phi Bet Kappa graduate of the University of Michigan, Terry lives in Northern California with her artist husband and an ancient cat.

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