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Your brand is unique. Your website content should be, too.Many businesses believe they know what sets their brand apart from the competition, only to discover they aren't connecting with their audience. With Content is King as your guide, you'll uncover your accurate Unique Value Proposition, so you can reach the customer-base that's been searching for you. Learn to craft quality, authentic content that converts window-shoppers into returning customers. In an increasingly digital age, website content is the pinnacle launch pad that prompts your audience to act. Establish your brand values, determine the needs of your niche audience, and curate a website that highlights the exclusive opportunities only you can offer with Content is King as your go-to handbook.

About the Author

Laura Briggs

Laura Briggs is a professional writer whose debut short work from Pelican Book Group "Only in Novels" garnered attention in the book review world and with fans of both Christian and contemporary romance. Since then, she has continued publishing novels both traditionally and independently and both Christian and mainstream Sweet Romance, as well as co-authoring a series of Grimm-esque fantasy-themed fairytale retellings known as The Dark Woods Trilogy. Best known for secular contemporary romances "The Wedding Caper" and "Late to the Wedding", Briggs's latest releases include the Regency-inspired lighthearted romance "Dear Miss Darcy" as well as a return to her Inspirational Romance roots with the playful but poignant "Ghosts of Romances Past" from Pelican Book Group. When not writing, she reads, relaxes, and spends time with her cats and dogs.

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