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Test Prep Books' NCMHCE Study Guide: Test Prep and Practice Questions for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination [3rd Edition]Made by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the NCMHCE exam.This comprehensive study guide includes:Quick Overview: Find out what's inside this guide!Test-Taking Strategies: Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam!Introduction: Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!Assessment and Diagnosis: Client Assessment and Observational Data, Precipitating Problems or Symptoms, Individual and/or Relationship Functioning, and Relevant Family IssuesCounseling and Psychotherapy: Ethical Standards and Practice, Counselor/Client Roles, Counseling in Relation to a Plan of Treatment, and Referral InformationAdministration, Consultation, and Supervision: Case Notes, Records, and/or Files, Services and Client Needs, Professional Communications, and Obtaining ServicesDSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) , and Section III (Emerging Measures and Models) Case Analysis Practice SimulationsPractice Test Questions: Practice makes perfect!Detailed Answer Explanations: Figure out where you went wrong and how to improve!Studying can be hard.