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Cats can be mysterious and can owners are eager to understand their behavior and learn how to strengthen the bond between cats and humans. In the revised 2nd edition of The Cat Behavior Answer Book (77,000 copies in print) , pet expert Arden Moore answers the many questions cat owners have, from the practical aspects of training, feeding, and caring to the puzzling aspects of behavior and communication. Do cats dream? What's the purpose of a cat's whiskers? How do I catproof my house? Why does my elderly cat howl at night? How can I train my cats not to jump upon the kitchen counter? Can I keep my cat from climbing the curtains? What's the best way to train a kitten to use the litter box? How can I eliminate the smell of cat urine? What's the best way to trim a cat's nails? Is it okay for my cat to eat grass? Arden Moore provides insightful answers to all these questions and many more, along with reassuring guidance on addressing the problems that can get in the way of living happily with a cat.

About the Author

Arden Moore

Arden Moore is the author of more than two dozen books on cats and dogs, including A Kid's Guide to Cats, A Kid's Guide to Dogs, The Cat Behavior Answer Book, The Dog Behavior Answer Book, and Real Food for Dogs. She hosts the award-winning Oh! Behave Show on Pet Life Radio and travels North America teaching pet first aid and pet behavior classes with her dog, Kona, and cat, Casey. She has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows and is an in-demand speaker at pet conferences. Learn more by visiting her at www.ardenmoore.com.

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