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Discerning a calling is a messy undertaking. You are already involved in many good things now, even as you are being called to many good things in your future. The good life -- good work, good relationships, good citizenship, good faith -- is to be enjoyed now and pursued on every horizon. We are living out the Kingdom of God even as we seek it.Ready or Not is a much-needed resource for young people on exploring the complexity of vocation in empowering, not prescriptive, ways. After exploring four foundational questions for emerging adulthood -- Who is God? Who am I? How have I been shaped? What are my contexts? -- you will work through interactive chapters covering the contours of adulthood, including: spirituality, family, community, and work.Explore the full depths of your twenties with bravery and vulnerability! With insight into life skills, personal growth, and spirituality, Ready or Not will set you on a faithful trajectory for a good and meaningful life.

About the Author

Drew Moser

Drew Moser is a writer, speaker, and consultant on millennials and vocation. He has spent his career helping twentysomethings thrive. As an author, pastor and professor, he has a unique perspective on the challenges twentysomethings face in exploring what makes a good life.

Drew is currently a college professor and dean at Taylor University http://www.taylor.edu/

There he teaches courses on vocation (calling) and personal development.

Drew has worked with tens of thousands of twentysomethings as they explore their purpose and meaning in life.

He's poured this knowledge and experience into Ready or Not: Leaning into Life in our Twenties (coming in 2018) . . ., the only book written for twentysomethings to explore the good life through an interactive, dynamic process.

Drew co-directs the Vocation in College Project, a multi-phased research project studying colleges students and calling.

He's a former young adult pastor and non-profit leader. Drew is married to Bekah, his wife of 15 years. Together they have 5 children (yes ... 5! 3 sons and 2 daughters) .

They live the good life in Upland, IN.

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