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This title examines the invasion of Normandy during World War II, focusing on the planning, the equipment, and the brave soldiers who ensured an Allied victory. Narrative text, historical photographs, and primary sources assist the reader in report writing.

About the Author

Michael Capek

A retired teacher, Michael Capek has written hundreds of stories, poems, articles, and twelve books, eight of them for middle school readers, his favorite audience. A life-long resident of Kenton County, Kentucky, Michael Capek is a graduate of Cumberland College and Eastern Kentucky University, grandfather of three, die-hard Reds fan, raiser of bonsai trees, and closet clarinet-player. "I play in the closet for the acoustics," he explains, "and for the benefit of neighborhood cats. They always seem to think I'm skinning their cousins." Readers and critics agree that THE STEAMBOAT SHUFFLE is by far his best published novel to date.

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