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The history of the American gun is intricately entwined with the history of America itself. Promising developments in gun technology could change not only America's future, but the future of the world. Unfortunately, the radical anti-gun lobby is standing between innovation and the American people. Bestselling author Frank Miniter details the amazing breakthroughs waiting to happen in gun technology that could make today's firearms exponentially safer and smarterif the anti-gun lobby weren't halting progress in its tracks.In The Future of the Gun, you will learn:Why anti-gun groups often oppose gun safetyfeatures How gunsand gun education for young peoplecut crime How federalism could save your gun rights New trends in gun technology that will make guns safer and more effectiveWhy most talk about assault rifles” is bogus How military and civilian gun technology have always advanced in tandemfor the benefit of soldiers and private citizens What guns could look like in just a few yearsWant to know about the future of guns? There is no better place to start than here.