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A trenchant analysis of how public education is being destroyed in overt and deceptive ways - and how to fight back "There's no more time for tinkering around the edges." - Betsy DeVos, 2018 "Rethink School" tour Betsy DeVos may be the most prominent face of the push to dismantle public education, but she is in fact part of a large movement that's been steadily gaining power and notching progress for decades - amassing funds, honing their messaging, and crafting policies. While support for public education today is stronger than ever, the movement to save our schools remains fragmented, variable, and voluntary. Meanwhile, those set on destroying this beloved institution are unified, patient, and well-resourced. In A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door, Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider, co-hosts of the popular education podcast Have You Heard, lay out the increasingly potent network of conservative elected officials, advocacy groups, funders, and think tanks that have aligned behind a radical vision to unmake public education.

About the Author

Jack Schneider

Jack Schneider is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he leads the Beyond Test Scores Project. An award-winning scholar and teacher, his work broadly explores the influence of history, culture, and rhetoric in education policy. The author of four books, Dr. Schneider has explored why particular ideas gain policy traction, how public perception of schools takes shape, why education reform so often fails, and how organizations improve. He writes frequently about education in outlets like the Atlantic, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and (along with Jennifer Berkshire) is co-host of the educational policy podcast "Have You Heard."

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