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The dumpster fire of life rages on, but you got this. Practice six rules to keep you grounded, weather the storm, and actually be a decent person.It may seem like the world is going to hell in a hand basket right now. Whether it's big stuff like politics and climate change, or just the daily spin of paying your bills, getting to work on time, and fending off social media trolls, we can all admit, modern life ain't easy. Here are six really good guiding principles, inspired from the ancient wisdom of Buddhism and mindfulness practice, to keep you anchored and steady amidst the chaos.

About the Author

Craig Hase

Craig Hase mentors dharma practitioners online, leads meditation retreats throughout North America and Europe, and teaches meditation on the Simple Habit app. Over the years, Craig has studied the teachings and practices of three different lineages - Insight, Zen and Vajrayana. He spent six years in a Zen monastery and completed a PhD in counseling psychology before making his topsy-turvy transition into teaching mindfulness, meditation, and dharma full time. These days he lives with his partner Devon in urban retreat in Ashland, Oregon, splitting each week between teaching and practice. Also, he co-wrote this crazy book with Devon called How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Survival Guide for Modern Life, which offers six really good pieces of semi-Buddhist advice to keep you anchored and steady amidst the chaos of modern life. To learn more, visit www.devonandcraighase.com.

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