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Perfect for fans of James Lee Burke's Dave Robicheaux A scrap of cloth fluttering in the wind leads Hilo police Chief Detective Koa Kane to the tortured remains of an unfortunate soul left to burn in the path of an advancing lava flow. For Koa, it's the second gruesome homicide of the day, and he soon discovers the murders are linked. These grisly crimes on Hawaii's Big Island could rewrite history - or cost Chief Detective Koa Kane his career.The dead, a reclusive couple living off the grid, turn out to be mysterious fugitives. The CIA, the Chinese government, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, attempt to thwart Koa's investigation and obscure the victims' true identities. Undeterred by mounting political pressure, Koa pursues the truth only to find himself drawn into a web of international intrigue.While Koa investigates, the Big Island scrambles to prepare for the biggest and most explosive political rally in its history. Despite police resources stretched to the breaking point, Koa uncovers a government conspiracy so shocking its exposure topples senior officials far beyond Hawaii's shores.

About the Author

Robert McCaw

Robert B. McCaw is the author of Death of a Messenger (2016) and Off the Grid (to be published July 2, 2019) .He grew up in a military family traveling the world. After graduating from Georgetown University, he served as a lieutenant in the US Army before earning his JD degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. Upon graduation from law school he spent a year as a judicial clerk for Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black. He practiced law in Washington, DC, and New York City, representing investment banks, lawyers, directors, and other clients in complex civil and criminal cases, including many that generated significant press coverage.For a number of years, Bob maintained a home on the Big Island of Hawai'i, studying its history, culture, and peoples. Archaeology and astronomy are among his many interests. In researching his books, he talked story with Hawai'i County cops and walked the streets where his stories take place. He and his wife live in New York City.robertbmccaw.comFacebook: RobertBMcCawTwitter: @RobertBMcCaw

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