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Remarkable! You think I'm remarkable? Let me tell you about the most remarkable woman God ever put on this earth. I found myself tugging at his shoulder and insisting he sit down and listen to my story. Jessie, no one can be more remarkable than you, he kept insisting. Just sit down and listen. When I'm done telling you about my momma, you'll stop tooting my horn. Lou Crandall, a widow with a dozen kids during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl years, used God's Bible, Webster's Dictionary, and McGuffey's Readers, plus her ingenuity, to create her own form of 'spiritual' bailing wire, used to rear her brood from suckling babes to successful adults. Lou's Dirty Dozen, by Ranny Grady, is a saga of childrearing and family ties that will encourage hearty laughter, draw woeful tears, and cause readers to shout in victory as adversity is conquered, heartache is overcome, and each of Lou's Dirty Dozen is strengthened with integrity through the love only a mother can give. Stand up and cheer as Lou Crandall, a remarkable woman, inspires you to be your best...as she did for each one of her Dirty Dozen.

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