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SYNOPSIS ENGLISH: Monsieur Hulot goes on a holiday to a seaside resort, but accidents and misunderstandings follow him where ever he goes. The peace and quiet of the hotel guests don't last very long with Hulot around, because although his intensions are good, they always turn out catastrophically. /// SINOPSIS IN SPANISH: En un balneario de la costa atlntica, los veraneantes son incapaces de apartarse de sus rutinarias costumbres urbanas. Hasta que llega monsieur Hulot al volante de su viejo cacharro y rompe la calma estival. Para gran alegra de los nios, Hulot ofrecer a los huspedes del hotel unas vacaciones inolvidables. /// SYNOPSIS IN PORTUGUESE: Sr Hulot sai de frias para um hotel na praia, mas sua chegada transtorna a vida dos veranistas; pois, no h ningum como ele para provocar catstrofes, e suas melhores intenes degeneram em desastres que s o seu otimismo permite suportar alegremente.

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