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In this follow-up to ME AND MY DRAGON, a boy runs into an unexpected problem when preparing to go trick-or-treating for Halloween: his pet dragon is scared silly of this spooky holiday! Zombies, werewolves, mummies . . . they all make Dragon run and hide. How will the boy convince Dragon that these things aren't real, and what costume will the duo come up with for this unconventional pet?David Biedrzycki packs in the humor in his latest book for young readers. From the cover to cover, children will enjoy his hilarious illustrations which include a series of rejected costume ideas for Dragon. Every last detail has something for readers to giggle about, including a scene of the boy reading books with titles like GHOSTS DON'T SAY BOO and newspaper articles with headlines such as "Scientist Reports Monsters Would Actually Be Scared of Us," to allay his pet's fears.

About the Author

David Biedrzycki

David Biedrzycki has been drawing since he was 4 years old. Growing up he wrote and illustrated his own books for family and friends. A commercial artist since 1980, his art has appeared in magazines, book covers, billboards,posters, juice bottles and even ice cream boxes. He illustrated his first children's book in 1996. Now David has returned to his first love of writing and illustrating his own books. He also visits over 100 schools a year sharing his work all over the world with aspiring writers, illustrators and readers.Visit David at: www.davidbiedrzycki.com

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