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2023 Lambda Award Winner- Bisexual Poetry

What is illusion - a deception, or a revelation? What is a poem - the truth, or "a diverting flash, / a mirror showing everything / but itself"?Nicky Beer's latest collection of poems is a labyrinthine academy specializing in the study of subterfuge; Marlene Dietrich, Dolly Parton, and Batman are its instructors. With an energetic eye, she thumbs through our collective history books - and her personal one, too - in an effort to chart the line between playful forms of duplicity and those that are far more insidious.Through delicious japery, poems that can be read multiple ways, and allusions ranging from Puccini's operas to Law & Order, Beer troubles the notion of truth. Often, we settle for whatever brand of honesty is convenient for us, or whatever is least likely to spark confrontation - but this, Beer knows, is how we invite others to weigh in on what kind of person we are.

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