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Where do Abby's sandals go in the winter time? Abby loves her pink and brown sandals with the lime green trim, and she wears them wherever she goes. But as summer draws to a close, Abby's mom announces that it's time for the sandals to go. Abby is determined to keep them on -- until one day, while swinging at the park, her sandals flip off and fly away. All winter long, Abby wonders what her sandals are up to. Postcards of sandy white beaches and glorious sunsets reassure her that they are having a wonderful time in far away places. Come February, Abby realizes that she has also grown to love her cozy, comfy boots. As the warm weather comes, she watches sadly as they march off, but a swish in the sky announces the return of her pink and brown sandals -- all ready for another summer of fun.

About the Author

Sarah Tsiang

As a child, Sarah Tsiang dreamed about being a part-time librarian and a part-time truck driver. Though many people suggested that she work in a bookmobile, it just didn??t thrill her the way an 18-wheeler could. Eventually, she gave up that dream and decided to be the prime minister of Canada. Somehow, this led her to writing picture books and poetry. Sarah spends most of her days building giant snow forts, jumping in piles of leaves, and going to the splash pad at the park (adjust for season) . She also writes. Sarah starting writing at the age of four, mostly one-word stories comprised of her favorite words: ??noodles' and ??mommy. ' She spent most of her time in elementary school making up stories for her friends during recess. She spent the rest of her time reading and re-reading books like Jacob Two-Two, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Indian in the Cupboard, and Where the Red Fern Grows. Sarah has an MFA from UBC and she is also an award-winning poet who publishes poetry under the name of Yi-Mei Tsiang. Sarah??s book A Flock of Shoes (2010) was inspired by a line from the last poem in her collection of poetry, Sweet Devilry (Oolichan Books, 2011) . She is also the author of Dogs Don??t Eat Jam and Other Things Big Kids Know (2011) and Warriors and Wailers: 100 Ancient Chinese Jobs You Might Have Relished or Reviled (Spring 2012) . The Stone Hatchlings (2012) reprises the theme of the power of a child??s imagination, which enchanted readers in A Flock of Shoes. Sarah and her daughter spend a lot of time at the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, where they are trying to read every picture book in the building. They take short breaks to play with the stuffed dog. Of the hundreds of their favorite picture books, a few of them are the Mole Sisters series, anything by Mo Willems, anything by Sarah Garland, Best Friends for Frances, The Story of Ferdinand, Emily??s Balloon, Dormir, moi? Jamais!, I Really Want to Eat a Child, Ish, and A Pocket Can Have a Treasure in It. Sarah loves school visits and can hold writing workshops for anyone from kindergarteners to seniors. ~From

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