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The Pregnancy Bible, with 300,000 copies sold, is the most attractive and complete guide to this important event in parents' lives. This updated edition includes authoritative information about the latest developments on a number of significant issues affecting the well-being of an expectant mother and her baby. Specifically, these include: Revisions to the FDA/USDA food pyramid New CDC recommendations about mercury and fish Update on nuchal translucency screening Update on screening for genetic disorders (in particular in the Ashkenazi Jewish population) Updated information about loss rates after amniocentesis The availability of ancillary testing when undergoing CVS/ amnio (like aneuploidy FISH and microdeletion FISH) New information about 3D/4D ultrasound A new emphasis on the importance of reporting domestic violence Recent trends in cesarean delivery "on demand" The importance of keeping vaccinations up to date Updated information on teeth whitening An updated section on the "breech" position Update on Down syndrome screening.

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