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Meet the latest addition to New York Times best-selling author Tosca Reno’s phenomenally successful Eat-Clean Diet® series. With The Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook, Tosca shows that you don’t need meat to Eat Clean! This collection of 150 delicious and doable recipes has something to satisfy all your meat-free and Eat-Clean needs. Presented in the inspiring format you’ve come to expect from Tosca, this book will keep you looking and feeling your best!

About the Author

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat-Clean Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.

At age 40, author Tosca Reno found herself miserable, overweight, stuck in an unhappy marriage, and living an unfulfilled life. Her self-esteem was at an all-time low. She barely recognized the woman she had become.

Tosca Reno found herself reborn when she realized she was the architect of her own destiny. She accepted new challenges to become super fit and healthy. She entered bodybuilding contests and started writing articles for Oxygen, a top fitness magazine. Her struggles and hardships in the past served to both inspire and motivate her in her career as a writer, motivational speaker and fitness celebrity. Her work encourages others to do for themselves what she has done - reinvent herself from being fat and frumpy to lean and purposeful.

Reno quickly earned her own monthly feature "Raise the Bar." The column targets women over 40 looking for motivation, nutrition and training advice. Reno shares her no-holds-barred wisdom in a firm but tender-hearted manner. Oxygen readers instantly connect with Tosca's advice, delivered with friendly compassion.

"Raise the Bar" readers wanted more. They wrote with countless questions, inspiring Tosca to craft the best-selling Eat-Clean Diet series. With her friendly arm-around-the-shoulder approach, Tosca teaches others how to alter their eating habits, to lose or maintain weight, gain muscle, boost metabolism, increase energy and be happier, healthier people living with purpose.

The Eat-Clean Diet series is a huge hit throughout North America, with over one million copies sold. Tosca has struck a chord with the diet-weary. In fact the most common response she gets is: "This just makes so much sense! I will never give up eating this way! It's so easy!"

Tosca has appeared on numerous national radio and TV shows and has been featured in countless magazine and newspaper articles. Extra TV in Los Angeles recently created a new feature specifically for Tosca, called "Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Ambush Cleanse," in which she helps a young man with diabetes clean up his kitchen, his shopping cart and his attitude. Extra TV has since filmed several health-based segments with Tosca.

Canada's VIVA Network is airing Tosca's new TV show, Tosca: Flexing at 49, for eight weeks starting in June 2009. In the series, Tosca is followed by film crews as she goes about her busy life - meeting deadlines for her columns and books, giving seminars and making appearances, helping families with their health and diet struggles, answering emails from fans, dieting, competing and looking after her large family at the same time!


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