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Mogul William Goldman's zinger about the movie business - "nobody knows nothing" - can easily be said today about companies and their customers. Despite big data and a mind-boggling array of analytical tools, companies still grasp at straws when trying to understand who their customers are; why they buy their products and services - or don't; why they lose them; and how to regain them. In an entertaining detective story, David Scott Duncan tells the tale of Tazza, a fictional regional chain of Boston-based cafes trying to go big time. The only problem: sales are declining at several key stores and they can't figure out why. The cast of characters include Cate Forrest, Tazza's CEO, Alex Baker, a "market detective," Jordan Sims, a young computer whiz at Tazza, and Ed Amato, the "Mayor" of Tazza-their most loyal customer-who has stopped visiting their stores.