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Michael Scott Moore, a journalist and the author of Sweetness and Blood, incorporates personal narrative and rigorous investigative journalism in this profound and revelatory memoir of his three-year captivity by Somali pirates - a riveting,thoughtful, and emotionally resonant exploration of foreign policy, religious extremism, and the costs of survival.In January 2012, having covered a Somali pirate trial in Hamburg for Spiegel Online International - and funded by a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting - Michael Scott Moore traveled to the Horn of Africa to write about piracy and ways to end it. In a terrible twist of fate, Moore himself was kidnapped and subsequently held captive by Somali pirates. Subjected to conditions that break even the strongest spirits - physical injury, starvation, isolation, terror - Moore's survival is a testament to his indomitable strength of mind.

About the Author

Michael Scott Moore

Michael Scott Moore is an American novelist and journalist living in Berlin. His first novel, "Too Much of Nothing," is set in the fictional California town of Calaveras Beach. His latest book is a mixture of history and travel called "Sweetness and Blood: How Surfing Spread from Hawaii and California to the Rest of the World, With Some Unexpected Results." He's an editor-at-large for Spiegel Online in Berlin, a European correspondent for Miller-McCune Magazine, and a contributor to US publications like The Atlantic Monthly, Salon, and The Los Angeles Times.

His web site can be found at www.radiofreemike.net

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