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In a charming take on a milestone moment, a young girl summons a cowpoke's courage to tame her intimidating new bicycle.. Kayla loves riding her pink pony, a three-wheeled bike, up and down the street, day after day. But then Daddy announces that it's time for a big-kid bike, one with just two wheels. At the store, Kayla selects her mount, but when she tries to ride it, she is thrown - again and again. Can she tame this intimidating set of wheels? Or is the new blue bike just too wild? Tender and relatable, Wild Blue captures the emotions of moving up in the world through an endearing character with a boundless imagination. Despite falls, bumps, and bruises, Kayla takes her time learning the ropes, until she finally has the confidence to let go of her fear, climb back on, and ride again.

About the Author

Dashka Slater

When I was little, I liked to tell stories. Both of my parents are writers, and they used to read me stories, and tell me stories, and my mother even used to draw little picture books that were all about me. I started by telling stories to my mother, who wrote them down for me until I was old enough to write them down myself. Every week I went to the library and checked out as many books as I could carry. Soon I began filling up notebooks writing my own stories. I sent some of what I wrote to the contests at the back of Cricket Magazine, and several of them were published there. From then on I was sure that I would be a writer when I grew up.It wasn't always easy to make that happen, but somehow I've managed to fulfill my childhood dream. I write books for all ages, from preschooler to adult, as well as long-form magazine articles. You can learn more about me at my website: www.dashkaslater.com

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