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Mental health difficulties affect about 1 in 10 children and young people, ranging from fears, phobias and panic attacks to obsessions, compulsions and even psychosis. Written by a specialist psychiatrist and packed with expert advice, this comprehensive book highlights the often subtle warning signs of trouble and suggests tactful, effective ways to take action, whether your child is 6 or 16. An invaluable resource for parents, extended family, teachers, social workers, and anyone concerned about a young persons emotional well-being. . Topics include:. when to worrycommunicating with your child - practical techniques bipolar disorderattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) autismtrauma and griefbullying and abusesleep and well-beinghelp from your doctorred flags and managing emergencies. Dr Sarah Vohra says, Gut instinct is the most undervalued tool we own. Some parental anxiety is natural, but if you think somethings wrong, trust your instinct. Dont ignore it or try to justify worrying behaviour as normal ups and downs. Early intervention is key - so talk to your child and seek professional help sooner rather than later.

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