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We are all born with an innate desire to creatively express the essence of who we are. This desire is embedded into our soul, a gift at birth, our own Northern Star in a galaxy full of the unknown. Your physical setting can either hamper or inspire this creative calling. Known for her eclectic style and helping others see the possibility within themselves, their homes, and personal style, Desha Peacock offers you tips on designing a creative work space that will also inspire you to do the work you are meant to do. Peacock's design tips cover how to:Use your work space to inspire your best work.Choose the right color to enhance your mood.Create a cozy virtual office no matter where you live.Work with a tiny space in a closet or other nook.Mix vintage, modern, and thrift store finds so you can create the style you crave, no matter your budget.

About the Author

Desha Peacock

International Retreat Leader, LifeSTYLE Design Coach, and Founder of Sweet Spot Style, Desha Peacock is the author of Create the Style You Crave and Your Creative Work Space. Peacock holds a master's degree from The School for International Training, is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, and has coached hundreds of women on how to create their Sweet Spot: a self-defined place of success and beauty. She's been quoted in Huffington Post, ABC.News, The Houston Chronicle, YahooNews.com, Career Rookie, and US News Money and has made radio and TV appearances across the nation. Find her at www.sweetspotstyle.com or on Instagram @deshapeacock.

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