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About the Author

Ngaire Hobbins

I'm a specialist dietitian in brain health and ageing and my books - Eat To Cheat Ageing, Eat To Cheat Dementia and Better Brain Food, provide advice and sensible, practical guidance for people moving towards their 60s and beyond. Ageing imposes unique demands on body and brain and nutrition needs of older adults are quite different from those younger. Unless you are aware what those differences are, you can put yourself at risk of physical and mental frailty. Don't follow eating advice or diets that can do you harm, learn in my books what you need for your body and brain. I want every older person to be able to enjoy a productive, independent life in the years ahead of them.My books and my website will help you understand what those needs are, what to do and how to eat so you get to enjoy the years ahead as long as you had hoped. Look at the website www.ngairehobbins.com for more.

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