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Stevie and Alex thought they defeated Herobrine completely, but they soon discover that he's still on the loose. He has returned to Stevie's nightmares, taunting him with threats to now destroy the human world.The prophecies on music discs suggest that only Stevie and Alex, plus Maison, Destiny and Yancy, their friends from the human world will be able to defeat Herobrine. But the prophecies also warn that one of the friends will betray the rest, putting all the worlds at risk. Tensions run high as the group must figure out how to save the world while they try to discern the traitor in their midst. Maison, It isn't long before the traitor is discovered.Stevie and Alex find themselves separated from the others and must first journey into the Nether to find a special treasure that will enable them to confront Herobrine.

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