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While no-nonsense mother-to-be Cass Halloran tries downplaying her pregnancy and her frequent doctor's visits as an "older" mother-to-be, a softer side of the lobsterwoman emerges as she joins the Seaside Knitters in knitting an abundance of delicate hats and booties. But in contrast to the happy news, terrifying events unfold at the town's art series that puts a real chill in their New England fall...Izzy Perry's husband Sam had reservations about inviting his one-time mentor Harrison Grant to speak at the opening reception, although he never imagined the famed and charismatic photographer would rudely embarrass his hosts that evening. But when a dead body turns up along the wooded shoreline the next day, startling secrets come into focus that could undo the tight-knit community of local artists.

About the Author

Sally Goldenbaum

Sally Goldenbaum was born on the shores of Lake Michigan, in Manitowoc, WI, to a homemaker mother and a ship-building father. She and her husband raised their three children in landlocked Prairie Village, KS, but in 2019 they made a huge move, downsizing from a large Kansas home to a condo in Gloucester, a seaside town on Cape Ann, MA--which happens to also be the home of the USA Today best selling Seaside Knitters Mystery series. She can now share walks along the ocean with Izzy, Nell, Birdie and Cass--her fictional friends. Visit her website at sallygoldenbaum.com or her Facebook author page--https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sally-Goldenbaum/27082346139? ref=hl

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