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Dash the Mint Fairy wishes the soggy weather would stop raining on her parade in this sweet-tacular Candy Fairies adventure.It's raining cats and dogs in Sugar Valley! The grounds are a minty mess and all the Candy Fairies are worried about their crops getting soaked and keeping their wings dry! But Dash is most upset about the weather. There was supposed to be a Royal Mint Jubilee at the castle and Dash and two other Mint Fairies have been working on a float for the event for weeks! But between the heavy downpour and mean words from the Mint Fairies, Dash wants to call it quits. Will Dash get to see her float in the parade - or will her dreams get washed away with the storm?

About the Author

Helen Perelman

During the day, Helen can be found with her laptop at a library or coffee shop -- and sometimes on the blacktop of a playground with her kids. Helen's first job was working at Eeyore's Books for Children in New York City (named after A.A. Milne's donkey.) She worked at Scholastic, Inc. editing many second- and third-grade paperback series, and later at Disney Publishing as an Executive Editor for middle-grade and young-adult books.She lives in New York City with her husband and their twin daughters. Visit her at www.helenperelman.com. Friend the Candy Fairies on Facebook http://bit.ly/FaceBKCFairies or following Candy Fairies on Twitter @CandyFairies

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