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A remote bay in the Pacific Northwest has held a secret for thousands of years ... and that secret just woke up.Kai is angry when he's forced to join his new stepfather, Rick, on a research trip to Blind Bay. On a floating lab in the middle of nowhere. Rick, a marine biologist, is using sound waves to explore deep underwater caves. But they discover that the sound pulses have awakened something. Something that is now hunting them -- an ancient predator from the depths of the caves. Soon the tide will turn, unleashing the creature out into the open ocean ... and upon the world. Kai and his stepdad need to find a way to work together to stop the creature before the tide turns.

About the Author

Sean Rodman

I write thrillers for teens, and work as the executive director of the Story Studio Writing Society (www.storystudio.ca) I am the child of two anthropologists, which gave me a keen eye for observation and a bad case of wanderlust. My interest in writing for teenagers came out of working at a number of interesting schools around the world. In the Snowy Mountains of Australia, I taught ancient history to future Olympic athletes. Closer to home, my family and I lived and worked with students from over 100 countries at a non-profit international school. Mostly True Facts About Me:*As the child of two anthropologists, I spent part of my childhood growing up "in the field." This meant living in a small village on the island of Ambae in the South Pacific*Bitten by the travel bug at an early age, I've travelled around the world. Highlights: volunteering in the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica; travelling up the Yangtse River by local ferryboat; hiking up an active volcano in Vanuatu.*I've worked with teenagers in some interesting schools. At a boarding school in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, I taught young skiers and snowboarders, some of whom later competed in the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, I taught them history, not snowboarding. They have not gone on to be historians.*My first book was written at age 5. It was entitled "The Aliens of History."

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