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When his popular hip-hop artist client is blackmailed, Crang stumbles on a porn operation and an unexpected case of murder. Crang is a smart-talking criminal lawyer who doesn't mind chasing down unorthodox cases. That makes him just the guy to represent a famous hip-hop performer who's on the wrong end of a blackmail scheme. It doesn't strike Crang as a confounding case, but in no time, he finds himself confronting an organized gang that deals in porn, stock swindles, and murder. Things get so messy that Crang decides he'll have to bend the law to make things right. It's a dilemma that would cause other lawyers to back away, but not Crang, the nervy attorney with the fast mouth.

About the Author

Jack Batten

Jack Batten, after a brief and unhappy career as a lawyer, has been a very happy freelance writer for many years. The author of thirty-five books, Batten writes the weekly Whodunnit column in the Toronto Star, has reviewed jazz for the Globe and Mail, and has reviewed movies on CBC Radio for twenty-five years. He has written over thirty books on subjects that include biography, crime fiction, law and court cases, and sports. Not surprisingly, jazz, movies, and crime turn up frequently in Crang's life. He lives in Toronto.

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