About this item

The 3D printing revolution is well upon us, with new machines appearing at an amazing rate. With the abundance of information and options out there, how are makers to choose the 3D printer thats right for them? MAKE is here to help, with our Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing. With articles about techniques, freely available CAD packages, and comparisons of printers that are on the market, this book makes it easy to understand this complex and constantly-shifting topic.Based on articles and projects from MAKEs print and online publications, this book arms you with everything you need to know to understand the exciting but sometimes confusing world of 3D Printing.,

About the Author

Anna Kaziunas France

Anna Kaziunas France is the Digital Fabrication Editor of Maker Media and the Dean of Students for the Fab Academy program. Formerly she taught the "How to Make (Almost) Anything" rapid prototyping course in digital fabrication at the Providence Fab Academy (at AS220) . She is also the co-author of Getting Started with MakerBot and she compiled the Make: 3D Printing book. She loves Providence, Rhode Island and is in the process of scanning and printing it.

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