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Contrary to what students, and society, are conditioned to think, obtaining a college degree does not automatically result in a job, let alone a dream career. In the last year, alone, half of college graduates are either jobless or underemployed in positions that dont fully use their skills and knowledge. Authors Tori Randolph Terhune, a gainfully-employed young college graduate herself, and Betsy A. Hays, a college professor, show readers what they can do in college to successfully pave the way for future employment in Land Your Dream Career. The authors provide eleven easy-to-follow strategies for effectively using time on campus to start building a career. Terhune and Hays leads students through content designed to help students set themselves up for success, without focusing on grades or papers.
About the Author
Tori Randolph Terhune
Tori Randolph Terhune is author of Land Your Dream Career: 11 Steps to Take in College, as well as an award-winning speaker, entrepreneur, and public relations and social media professional.
Terhune's passion is to help students and young professionals succeed, which was sparked by her own college experience. By the time Terhune walked across the stage to get her diploma, she had three years of experience in her field and an entry-level job in her industry. She was recognized as the Outstanding Public Relations Graduate by Fresno State and as Rookie of the Year by PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) Central California.
As a student, Terhune published articles in newspapers and magazines, and successfully pitched numerous print, radio and TV stories for clients after launching her own public relations business at 19. In her last semester at Fresno State, she worked with three other students to launch and operate a completely student-operated public relations firm, one of the few truly student-run firms in the nation. Terhune served as the agency's first executive director and the firm grew to 18 staff members and eight clients under her leadership.
Terhune collected her college experiences, as well as her peers', and then evaluated and perfected the best tactics to help other students succeed. She has served as a guest lecturer to public relations, writing and entrepreneurship courses while still a student and post graduation.
Since graduation, Terhune has continued her consulting business, focusing on social media strategy, implementation and integration with search engine optimization practices. By night she coaches cheer for Spirit Force, a nationally-ranked gym, and was recognized as a Top 25 Cheer Coach in America in 2011 and 2012 by CCA (Christian Cheerleaders of America) . Terhune is a 2009 graduate of California State University, Fresno, with a degree in mass communication and journalism, emphasis in public relations.
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