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What are you thinking about? Research indicates that the average person thinks approximately 50, 000 thoughts per day. Each thought moves you either toward your God-given potential or away. Unfortunately, we live in a society bent on nursing old wounds and highlighting what is wrong with just about everything. As a result, we have grown accustomed to viewing the world, our lives, and ourselves through a lens of negativity--and that negativity stands in direct contrast to the passionate, purpose-filled people God wants us to be. In Philippians 4: 8, the apostle Paul challenges us to seek out and dwell on the positives in our lives. When used as a filter, this New Testament verse is the true secret to vibrant health, satisfying relationships, and lasting fulfillment.

About the Author

Tommy Newberry

Tommy Newberry is the founder and head coach of The 1% Club, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and their families maximize their full potential. As a pioneer in the life-coaching field since 1991, he has equipped business leaders in more than thirty industries to work less, earn more, and enjoy greater satisfaction with the right accomplishments. Tommy is the author of "The 4:8 Principle," "Success Is Not an Accident," "366 Days of Wisdom and Inspiration," and numerous audio programs, including the best-selling "virtual coaching" series Success Is Not an Accident: Secrets of the Top 1%. Known for his blunt, highly practical, and no-nonsense coaching style, Tommy has earned the title of America's Success Coach. His passion for developing the whole person is clearly evident throughout his live workshops, keynote presentations, books, and audio courses. Tommy's annual Couples Planning Retreat takes world-class planning tools into the family realm, showing husbands and wives how to design a more balanced, simplified, and enriching life together. An avid goal setter, Tommy has earned certification as an emergency medical technician and PADI rescue diver. He has also earned a black belt in the Korean martial art of choi kwang do. Tommy lives in Atlanta with his wife, Kristin, and their three boys.

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