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What makes Hillary Clinton extraordinary? Read this book to find out. This title explores her childhood in Chicago and her education up to her time studying law at Yale. We see her success in law and politics, first as a lawyer, then later as First Lady of the United States, and finally attaining political office on her own terms. Read about others perspectives on her life, how her life is different to women in the past, and how she has broken boundaries as a lawyer, a First Lady, and a politician.,

About the Author

Michael Burgan

Michael Burgan studied history at the University of Connecticut before embarking on his career of writing about history, current events, geography, science, and more for children. He worked at Weekly Reader for six years before becoming a freelance author. He is a member of Biographers International Organization and edits its monthly newsletter, The Biographer's Craft. A produced playwright, he is also a member of the Dramatists Guild.

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