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A New York Times Bestselling Author -- Ron Rash turns again to Appalachia to capture lives haunted by violence and tenderness, hope and fear, from the Civil War to the present. Two drug- addicted friends steal gruesomely unusual war trophies from the farm where they worked as boys. A chain- gang prisoner tries to sweet- talk a farmer's young wife into helping him escape. Violent characters, raw settings and stark beauty form a masterful combination in fourteen unforgettable stories.
About the Author
Ron Rash
Ron Rash is the author of the 2009 PEN/Faulkner Finalist and New York Times bestselling novel, Serena, in addition to three other prizewinning novels, One Foot in Eden, Saints at the River, and The World Made Straight; three collections of poems; and four collections of stories, among them Burning Bright, which won the 2010 Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award, and Chrmistry and Other Stories, which was a finalist for the 2007 PEN/Faulkner Award. Twice the recipient of the O.Henry Prize, he teaches at Western Carolina University.
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