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Tiffany Vanderslice Dreyer never dreamed that she’d find herself up to her eyeballs in credit card debt from one mad moment of a shopping spree. She’s an upstanding wife and mother with the perfect marriage…right? Abbey Walsh never intended anyone to find out about the fact that she’s being blackmailed. As a minister’s wife, her sordid past was supposed to be a secret. Loreen Murphy hadn’t meant to hire a male prostitute in Las Vegas. It was all just a big, stupid, expensive misunderstanding. Secrets of a Shoe Addict is the story of three women who bond together when they find themselves in more than one kind of trouble. It’s the story of how sometimes, you hide a secret side that can get you in—and out of—dire straits.

About the Author

Beth Harbison

Beth Harbison is the New York Times bestselling author of "Shoe Addicts Anonymous", "Hope in a Jar", and more. Her latest book is "Always Something There to Remind Me", a poignant look at first love and the eternal question "what if...? " She currently splits her time between Washington, DC and New York City.

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