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Chakras are the centers of energy in our body that profoundly affect our well-being. Through this exquisitely designed volume, newcomers to this alternative form of spirituality can understand every aspect of chakra power. In addition to an illuminating introduction, a detailed guide covers each chakra, with their associated colors, Indian deity, healing stone, and emotional and physical actions. One by one, go through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras, as well as some newly discovered ones and chakras from different traditions. There's also invaluable information on connecting chakras with aura reading and healing, and yoga exercises and meditations to strengthen each chakra.

About the Author

Patricia Mercier

Patricia Mercier (Alloa) . (Please see below for latest Spanish and French books)

I am delighted to present my fifth and latest book about chakras - The Little book of Chakras - just published as flexibound (only $7.99) and Kindle $4.73 by Gaia. Beautifully designed it would make a wonderful and affordable gift. It gives a great introduction to the benefits of getting in touch with your chakras, including numerous easy-to-do quick ideas, that anyone can do. If this prompts you to quest for more, then do take a look at my Chakra Bible, the most comprehensive book on this subject. El pequeno libro de los chakras (espanol) y Le petit guide des Chakras (francais) - Spanish and French versions now available.

A little more about me: As a published author and visionary I draw upon my skills as a holistic healer using crystals, oils, massage, colour and light. I am an international speaker and course facilitator, specializing in Evolution of Consciousness, Maya culture and shamanism, colour and crystals. I have qualified in Yoga, Reiki and Crystal Healing and am a Fellow of the Hygeia College of Colour Therapy, UK. Editions of my books are now available in many languages.

I am delighted that I am deepening my connection with traditional medicinal aromatic herbs, enjoying new discoveries and illustrating the plants for my new books.
I recently had the experience of holding a Japanese edition of my Maya End Times in my hands. It was a very strange experience because I couldn't read a single word of it!

Now in 2017 I have been working deeply with Chakras again - so look out for new books! Have you seen my 'The Chakra Experience', in-depth meditations and well-tried spiritual exercises (by my students!) & accompanying CD (now renamed and reprinted as 'The Complete Chakra Workbook) . It builds upon my previous The Chakra Bible (Godsfield Press) - a companion book detailing connections between Yoga and Chakras.

A favourite older book of mine gives all you need to know about Crystal Skulls & the Enigma of Time (Watkins Publishing UK) . It shows humanities expansion & evolution of consciousness prompted by crystals and crystal skulls as we enter extraordinary times, when all the signs point towards a new positive way of being hue-man/hue-woman. As well as being a good read this book contains extensive reference sections about crystal skulls. Also available on Kindle. Enjoy my books!

Here is the information about my 'La práctica de los chakras'recently published in Spanish............Descripción del producto
Reseña del editor
La práctica de los chakras recoge en un único libro un completo curso teórico y práctico para el empleo terapéutico y espiritual de los chakras. Es un programa de aprendizaje interactivo y eminentemente experimental, a la vez que una detallada guía para alcanzar el conocimiento de las cualidades de los chakras y aprender

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