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Business is booming at the Cupcake Queen Caf thanks to Jessicake's tasty treats. Her baking skills are so popular that Shady Diva orders one thousand cupcakes for her next fashion show, in very specific flavors. When Milk Bud runs off with Shady Diva's flavor list, Jessicake is sure her reputation as the best baker in Shopville will be ruined--can her friends Bubbliesha and Popette help her save the fashion show from a total dessert disaster

About the Author

Meredith Rusu

Meredith Rusu is a children's book author specializing in titles based on television and movies. She has written more than one hundred books from preschool to young adult for licenses such as The LEGO Movie, LEGO Ninjago, Peppa Pig, Disney Princess, American Girl, and Star Wars. She is also the author of The DATA Set chapter book series under the pen name Ada Hopper. Visit her author website: www.meredithrusu.com

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