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"This is perhaps the richest book on belonging you'll ever read. ... The inspiration one draws from every page of this book is an enhanced sense of what is possible. It revives the very thing we need most in these times: hope." -- Claude M. Steele, author of Whistling VivaldiWe live in enormously divisive times. From politics to race, religion, gender, and class, division runs rampant. In 2020, 40 percent of each political party said that supporters of the opposing party were "downright evil." In 2019, hate crimes reached a ten-year high in the United States. One in five Americans suffers from chronic loneliness. How did we become so alienated? Why is our sense of belonging so undermined? What if there were a set of science-backed techniques for navigating modern social life that could help us overcome our differences, create empathy, and forge lasting connections even across divides?In Belonging, Stanford University professor Geoffrey L.

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