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Lio Min's Beating Heart Baby is a tender best friends to enemies to lovers story with AAPI leads, celebrating first love, second chances, indie rock, and transitions of all kinds"Blistering, deeply emo, and shimmering with the messiness of intimacy, Beating Heart Baby is a dizzying, occasionally infuriating, gleefully sexy, and utterly heartfelt exploration of identity, culture, and finding home within your art and in yourself." -- Mary H. K. Choi, author of YolkSanti has only had his heart broken one time, and it was all his fault. When he accidentally leaked his internet best friend Memo's song, and it became an overnight hit, Memo disappeared -- leaving their song's cult fame, and Santi, behind.Three years later, Santi arrives in Los Angeles with a mission: get over the ghost of Memo.

About the Author

Lio Min

Lio Min lives in Oakland, California, and writes toward the future.

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