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In 2012, running for the Senate in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren was new to politics. In early 2020, after ending her campaign for president, she was new to losing. But that hasn't stopped her from believing that real change is possible and continuing her fight to improve the lives of all Americans. And it hasn't stopped her from doing what she does best: persisting.Warren didn't get into politics until she was in her early sixties. Yet she brought with her a lifetime of experience, and in Persist she writes about six perspectives that have influenced her life and advocacy. She's a mother who understands why child care is essential for women who hold down paying jobs. She's a teacher who knows the value of an education and its sometimes crushing cost.

About the Author

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren, one of the nation's most influential progressives and a longtime champion of working families and the middle class, is the senior senator from Massachusetts. A former Harvard Law School professor, she is the author of eleven books, including A Fighting Chance, a national bestseller that received widespread critical acclaim. The mother of two and grandmother of three, she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her husband, Bruce Mann.

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