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Turn back the clock with History Comics! In this graphic novel, experience the Stonewall Riots firsthand and meet iconic activists like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.Three teenagers -- Natalia, Jax, and Rashad -- are magically transported from their modern lives to the legendary Stonewall Inn in the summer of 1969. Escorted by Natalia's eccentric abuela (and her pet cockatiel, Rocky) , the friends experience the police raid firsthand and are thrown into the infamous riots that made the struggle for LGBTQ rights front-page news.

About the Author

Archie Bongiovanni

Archie Bongiovanni is a queer cartoonist living in Minneapolis. They publish monthly comics on Autostraddle.com, and has also drawn for The Nib and Everyday Feminism. They publish a lot of work from their own printer. They also teach comic courses to high schoolers at a local library, run a huge queer book club, and work at a feminist owned sex shop. They will always eat the entire bag of Doritos in one sitting.

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